United Kingdom
London, England

Tourism and Events Management

Tourism & Hospitality / Tourism Management

Tourism and Events Management

Our Tourism and Events Management BA explores the relationship between tourism, events and the wider environment, developing the skills you need to successfully evaluate and manage tourism and stage events in host destinations. The course is designed for students who have an interest in the tourism sector generally and are keen to focus on the dynamic field of events management. The course is designed to provide a combination of the practical elements of events management with an in-depth understanding of the potential impacts of events and their role in developing destination product and destination image. The course takes an international perspective and includes a field trip in each year of study.

This program only accepts candidates who have completed 12 years of school education. Otherwise, you are advised to complete 1 year of Bachelor's degree in your country or choose between International Foundation and International Year One programs. A non-refundable enrolment fee might be required.

  • Undergraduate / Bachelor's Degree
  • Credit: 120
  • Full-time
  • Start date: 06-09-2021
  • End date: 25-05-2024
  • Gen. Deadline: 15-05-2021
  • Int. Deadline: 25-05-2021

Admission requirements

  • IELTS: 6
  • TOEFL: 65
  • GPA: 2.7

University of Westminster

Campus: Marylebone, Central London
Per year Price: 14400 GBP
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